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Version Changes: 18 to 19


The following members have been removed from the existing types:

Member Description
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertToImage(BITMAPHANDLE,LTConvertToImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Removed in v19
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertFromImage(BITMAPHANDLE,LTImage,LTConvertFromImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Removed in v19
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertFromImage(BITMAPHANDLE,CGImageRef,LTConvertFromImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Removed in v19

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
Leadtools.Converters.D2DParagraphAlignment Alignment of text in the paragraph box.
Leadtools.Converters.D2DParagraphAlignment.Near The first line of the paragraph is aligned to the beginning edge.
Leadtools.Converters.D2DParagraphAlignment.Far The last line of the paragraph is aligned to the ending edge.
Leadtools.Converters.D2DParagraphAlignment.Center The center of the paragraph is aligned to the center.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageRenderer.Suspend Temporarily releases the Direct2D and Direct3D graphics memory.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageRenderer.Resume Resumes use of the Direct2D and Direct3D graphics memory.
Leadtools.Converters.D2DRenderer Provides support for rendering raster image using DirectX components.
Leadtools.Converters.D2DRenderer.RenderDisplayMode The RasterImageRenderDisplayModeFlags value.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.AsyncQueue (Objective C) Gets the Dispatch Queue used for asynchronous operations
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.AsyncGroup (Objective C) Gets the Dispatch Group used for asynchronous operations
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.SetAsyncQueue(dispatch_queue_t) (Objective C) Sets the Dispatch Queue used for asynchronous operations
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.SetAsyncGroup(dispatch_group_t) (Objective C) Sets the Dispatch Group used for asynchronous operations
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertToImageAsync(LTRasterImage,LTConvertToImageOptions,LTAsyncCompletionHandler) (Objective C) Converts an LTRasterImage to an UIImage/NSImage.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertToCGImageAsync(LTRasterImage,LTConvertToImageOptions,LTAsyncCompletionHandler) (Objective C) Converts an LTRasterImage to an CGImageRef.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertFromImageAsync(LTImage,LTConvertFromImageOptions,LTAsyncCompletionHandler) (Objective C) Converts an UIImage/NSImage to an LTRasterImage.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertFromCGImageAsync(CGImageRef,LTConvertFromImageOptions,LTAsyncCompletionHandler) (Objective C) Converts a CGImageRef to a LTRasterImage.
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertFromCGImage(BITMAPHANDLE,CGImageRef,LTConvertFromImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts a CGImageRef to a BITMAPHANDLE.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions.LinkImage Uses the data from the source's native image object without making a copy.

In WinRT, it links the RasterImage to a WriteableBitmap.

Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions.AutoFreeLinkImage Automatically frees the linked native image object when the RasterImage is disposed.
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions (Java) Options for converting an Android to a LEADTOOLS RasterImage object.
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions.None (Java) Default
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions.LinkImage (Java) Uses the data from the source's native image object without making a copy.
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions.AutoFreeLinkImage (Java) Automatically frees the linked native image object when the RasterImage is disposed.
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.LinkImage Uses the data from the source's native image object without making a copy.

In WinRT, this links the RasterImage to a WriteableBitmap.

Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions (Java) Specifies options for converting a LEADTOOLS RasterImage object into an Android
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.None (Java) Default
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.KeepAlphaValues (Java)

If the source RasterImage is 32 or 64-bits/pixel, then use the alpha values from this alpha if the result of the conversion is also a 32 or 64-bits/pixel

If this flag is not specified, the resulting will always have an alpha value of all 1's (255 for 32-bit images or 65535 for 64-bit images) regardless of the alpha values in the source RasterImage. This can be useful when converting some 32-bit images that may have 0 for the alpha (such as BMP files) which translates into an that is completely transparent.

If this flag is specified, then the source image alpha values will be used as is.

Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.KeepViewPerspective (Java)

Keep the original RasterImage view perspective. RasterImage objects support having an image data orientation other than the normal top-left orientation by using the RasterImage.ViewPerspective property.

If the source RasterImage has a view-perspective other than RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft and this flag is specified, then the resulting can be flipped, reversed or rotated. For example, if the source view-perspective is RasterViewPerspective.BottomLeft and this flag is specified in the conversion options, then the resulting will be flipped.

If this flag is not specified, then the conversion can flip, reverse or rotate the image data as needed to provide the correct (top-left) orientation for the

Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.IgnoreLowHighBitsOnGrayImages (Java)

Do not use the grayscale bit window values when converting 12 or 16-bit grayscale RasterImage objects. The RasterImage object contains the RasterImage.LowBit and RasterImage.HighBit values that can be set to provide a Window into the image data. This is mostly used by medical applications during a window-leveling operation.

If this flag is specified, the RasterImage.LowBit and RasterImage.HighBit values are ignored and all of the image data is used when converting the RasterImage into a

If this flag is not specified, then only the image data between the RasterImage.LowBit and the RasterImage.HighBit is used.

Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.LinkImage (Java) Uses the data from the source's native image object without making a copy.

In Android, it links the RasterImage to a

Leadtools.Converters.RasterRegionConverter (Java) Converts between a LEADTOOLS RasterRegion and Android object.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterRegionConverter.ConvertToPath(Leadtools.RasterRegion) (Java) Converts a LEADTOOLS RasterRegion to an Android object.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterRegionConverter.ConvertFromPath(Path) (Java) Converts an Android object to a LEADTOOLS RasterRegion.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.TestCompatible(Leadtools.RasterImage,Int32) (Java) Determines if a RasterImage is compatible with the Android
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertToImage(LTRasterImage,LTConvertToImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts an LTRasterImage to an LTImage.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertToCGImage(LTRasterImage,LTConvertToImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts an LTRasterImage to an CGImageRef.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertFromImage(LTImage,LTConvertFromImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts an LTImage to an LTRasterImage.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertFromCGImage(CGImageRef,LTConvertFromImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts a CGImageRef to a LTRasterImage.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertFromBitmap(Bitmap,Int32) (Java) Converts an Android object into a LEADTOOLS RasterImage.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.ConvertToBitmap(Leadtools.RasterImage,Int32) (Java) Converts an Android object into a LEADTOOLS RasterImage.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.GetLinkedImage(Leadtools.RasterImage) (WinRT) Gets the WriteableBitmap that the specified RasterImage is linked to.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.GetLinkedImage(Leadtools.RasterImage) (Java) Gets the native image that the specified RasterImage is linked to.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.GetLinkedImage(Leadtools.RasterImage) (Objective C) Gets the LTImage (UIImage/NSImage) image that the specified RasterImage is linked to.
Leadtools.Converters.RasterImageConverter.GetLinkedCGImage(Leadtools.RasterImage) (Objective C) Gets the CGImageRef that the specified RasterImage is linked to.
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter (Objective C) Converts a LTImage or CImageRef to and from a BITMAPHANDLE object.
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertToImage(BITMAPHANDLE,LTConvertToImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts a BITMAPHANDLE to an LTImage.
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertToCGImage(BITMAPHANDLE,LTConvertToImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts a BITMAPHANDLE to an CGImageRef.
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertFromImage(BITMAPHANDLE,LTImage,LTConvertFromImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts a LTImage to a BITMAPHANDLE.
Leadtools.Converters.LTBitmapHandleConverter.ConvertFromImage(BITMAPHANDLE,CGImageRef,LTConvertFromImageOptions,NSError) (Objective C) Converts a CGImageRef to a BITMAPHANDLE.

Leadtools.Converters Changes from Version 17.5 to Version 18

Android, iOS / OS X, and .NET WinForms support - LEADTOOLS V18 adds Android support to its toolkits through the new LEADTOOLS Android SDK. In addition, iOS / OS X support for its toolkits has been added through the new LEADTOOLS iOS / OS X SDK; and .NET WinForms support has been added through the new LEADTOOLS .NET WinForms SDK. These toolkits provide everything a developer needs to create imaging-enabled Android, iOS / OS X, or .NET WinForms applications.

New Libraries

The following Libraries have been added to LEADTOOLS v18:

Packages or Frameworks Comments
Leadtools.Converters.JAR - Leadtools.Converters.SO Android package for converting back and forth between Android android.Graphics.Bitmap and LEADTOOLS RasterImage objects.
Leadtools.Converters.framework iOS / OS X framework converting back and forth between iOS / OS X NSImage/UIImage and CGImage and LEADTOOLS RasterImage objects.
Leadtools.Converters.dll NET WinForms support for converting back and forth between LEADTOOLS RasterImage objects.

New Members

The following new members have been added existing types in LEADTOOLS For .NET v18:

Member Description
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions.AutoFreeLinkImage Automatically frees the linked native image object when the RasterImage is disposed.
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertFromImageOptions.LinkImage Use the data from the source native image object without making a copy.
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.AutoFreeLinkImage Automatically free the linked native image object when the RasterImage is disposed.
Leadtools.Converters.ConvertToImageOptions.LinkImage Use the data from the source native image object without making a copy.

For more information, refer to



Leadtools.Converters Changes from Version 17 to Version 17.5

New Library

The following Library has been added to LEADTOOLS v17.5:

Metadata Description
Leadtools.Converters Contains classes for converting back and forth between WinRT Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.ImageSource and LEADTOOLS RasterImage objects.

Error processing SSI file